New Work From an Old Studio is an art exhibition of wood carved sculpture. Organized by the Department of Sculpture of Tokyo University of the Arts, this exhibition had started in 2006, and it celebrates 10th anniversary this year.
Friday November 20 – Sunday November 29, 2015
(Closed on Tuesday November 24)
10:00-17:00 (Last Entry @ 16:30)
1st & 2nd Floors of Chinretsukan Gallery (The University Art Museum
Tokyo University of the Arts), Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts; 《new work from an old studio》executive committee
Supported by NOMURA FOUNDATION, Geidai Friends
In cooperation with Ibara city; Akiko Shihara; Taito Cultural & Historical Society; Higashi Sakuragi association; Hiroko Hirakushi
Inquiry: NTT Hello Dial (Japanese Only): 03-5777-8600