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Ueno News

Exhibition of Lacquerware “Urushi-no-katachi” at Tokyo University of the Arts

Exhibition of Lacquerware “Urushi-no-katachi” at Tokyo University of the Arts

Exhibition “Urushi-no-katachi,” literally stands for shapes of lacquer, has been held annually since 2007 in cooperation with current and former faculty members and students. Urushi-no-katachi of this year is held to exhibit lacquerware created by people of Urushi-Arts Laboratory, Tokyo University of the Arts; such as, the professor emeritus, eleven professors, eleven master’s students, a research student, a visiting researcher from China, and doctoral students from Vietnam and Netherlands. Please come to the exhibition and appreciate the superb lacquerware created by each artist who has dedicated their life to Urushi Art. Period: Fri. Aug. 7 – Sun. Aug. 16, 2015 (Closed on Mon.) Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Last entry at 16:30) Venue:

Exhibition Information: Art of the Ghost “Urameshiya, Meido-no-miyage”

Exhibition Information: Art of the Ghost “Urameshiya, Meido-no-miyage” Venue: The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts Period: Wed. July 22 – Sun. Sept. 13, 2015 Hours: 10:00-17:00 (last entry: 30mins before closing.) (Exception: 10:00-19:00 on Tue. Aug. 11 and Fri. Aug. 21.) Closed: Monday 《Admission Fees》 Adult: 1,100 (900) yen High school or college student: 700 (600) yen Pair Ticket (set of two tickets): 2,000 yen Prices in ( ) is for each person of a group of 20 or more people. No admission fee is charged for: – junior high school student or younger. – one guide per group of 20 or more. – those who have

【Helene Schjerfbeck: Reflections】

The final day is the exhibition “Helene Schjerfbeck: Reflections” is Sunday July 26! Please do not miss this chance to feel her soul. Helene Schjerfbeck: Reflections 【Dates】 Jun 2 (Tue) – Jul 26 (Sun), 2015 Closed on Mondays, July 21 *open on July 20 (Mon) 【Hours】10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30) 【Venue】Main Gallery 3, 4 (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts) 【Admission】 Adult – 1500 (1200) yen Student above senior high school – 1000 (700) yen Junior high school student or younger – Free *Prices in ( ): group of over 20 people (one attendant for each groups is admitted free) *Free admission for disabled people (one accompanying guest for

Report: The Parade of UENO Summer Festival 2015

The parade of UENO Summer Festival 2015 started at 1 pm on July 18 at JR Ueno station. A big audience was waiting for the parade to start in a cheerful atmosphere. It was started with the greetings from the Chairman of Ueno Kanko-remmei (Ueno Tourism Association) and the Station Master of JR Ueno Station.   The first performer was the marching band “mizuchi.” They offered a brilliant performance, playing popular songs that include Dragon Ball theme song and “Katteni Sindbad” of Southern All Stars. Next is the performance of Fukushima Prefecture Tourism & Local Products Association. Date Masamune, the 17th head of Date clan, and his wife Megohime introduced

Legendary artists of Japanese Western Painting: The Centennial of the NIKA Exhibition

Legendary artists of Japanese Western Painting The Centennial of the NIKA Exhibition <Overview> This event exhibits paintings of prominent artists participated in Nika Association. The artists include Ryusei Kishida, Yuzo Saeki, Narashige Koide, Shoji Sekine, Harue Koga, Tsuguharu Fujita, Shunsuke Matsumoto, Taro Okamoto, Seiji Togo, and Henri Matisse. Out of the works of art collected in 100 years of history of the association, those paintings displayed are all from the 20th century. 【Period】From Sat. July 18 to Sun. September 6, 2015 【Closed】Tue. July 21. 【Venue】Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 【Hours】9:30-17:30 (9:30-21:00 on Fri.) 【Last entry】30 min before closing. 【Fees】Adult/Post secondary student/HS student/Age 65 or older Advance Ticket: 1,300yen/1,000yen/600yen/800yen Ticket at Door:

Kubbe Makes an Art Museum – by seeing, gathering, studying and exhibiting

July 18 (Sat) – Kubbe Makes an Art Museum – by seeing, gathering, studying and exhibiting ■ Information This exhibition is inspired by Kubbe Lager Museum, a picture book by Norwegian author/illustrator Åshild Kanstad Johnsen. With that story as a framework, it features artists whose works find expression in the actions of seeing and collecting, as well as collections that show the collector’s passion. As a participation-oriented exhibition, “Kubbe Makes an Art Museum” will let visitors experience the world of categorizing and exhibiting objects, and the fun of sharing that world with others. ・Period July 18 (Sat) – October 4 (Sun), 2015 ・Venue Gallery A, B, C ・Closed Mondays, as well as

Ueno Summer Festival Parade on Jul 18th 

The Ueno Summer Festival Parade was first held more than three decades ago to celebrate the opening of the Tohoku Shinkansen in 1982. It takes place in three locations – Ueno Station, the Suijo Ongakudo (the Concert Hall on the Water),and Ueno Chuo Dori – and visitors can see a display of gorgeous, energetic performances by approximately 30 different organizations, including representatives from Tohoku festivals such as the Aomori Nebuta, Akita Kanto, and Morioka Sansa Odori. A JR Ueno Station Concourse 13:00〜15:00 B Suijo Ongakudo 15:00〜20:00 C Ueno Chuo Dori 17:30〜20:15

The Photograph: What You See & What You Don’t #2

Photography has had influences on the human societies in many different aspects since its invention in the 19th century. Currently, digital photography has overwhelmed. Even a cell phone is camera-equipped and these devices enable everyone to achieve a digital photographic image easily whenever they like. However, since digital photography has become something taken for granted, it can be said that people have less chance to think about “photograph” itself. Now we are living the world in which an image is obtainable by pushing shutter release button or even touching a button appears in a touchscreen. “What is Photography?” This exhibition was planned to ask this simple but important question. The

Review of the private view of “Cleopatra and the Queens of Egypt” at Tokyo National Museum.

Today, the private view of “Cleopatra and the Queens of Egypt,” which starts on July 11, was held for the press. Unlike other past ancient-Egyptian-themed events held at Tokyo National Museum, this event features the queens of ancient Egypt. These queens had not only supported reigning pharaohs as mothers or wives but also played significant roles in politics and religion. The highlights are definitely the exhibits of Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of the ancient Egypt. There are several busts we can perceive her beauty. Other exhibits interpret that she was a very intelligent woman with ability to handle multiple languages. Even though Cleopatra tried to save the Ptolemaic Kingdom by
