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Ueno News

The exhibition by Conservation Course Sculpture Laboratory

The exhibition by Conservation Course Sculpture Laboratory

Dates: Apr 15 (Wed) – Apr 19 (Sun), 2015 Open throughout the session period Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30) Place: Chinretsukan Gallery 1F, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts) Admission: free Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts Supported by Geidai Friends Inquiry: NTT Hello Dial (Japanese Only) : 03-5777-8600 Laboratory website:http://www.tokyogeidai-hozon.com

The Changes of Cherry Flowers around Shinobazu Pond!

We’ve taken many pictures of cherry blossoms in Ueno Park. Here let’s take a look at the pictures of those around Shinobazu Pond in chronological order! Mar. 26: We only saw just a few buds. Mar. 29: Cherry trees gradually began blooming. Mar. 30: Finally they were in full bloom on a beautiful sunny day! The pink flowers colored the pondside. Apr. 1: Cherry trees in full bloom on a cloudy day. Apr. 2: Petals started to fall, dancing in the wind beautifully. Apr. 3: They were still in pink! Apr.6: Petals were falling, telling us the end of flowering season. Apr. 7: They were almost gone… It’s interesting to

Sakura Information on April 7, 2015

April 7, 2015: Cherry Trees in Ueno Park Cherry flowers have been beautifully falling off the trees since two days ago.   Even though the trees were becoming green, they still attracted many viewers, especially tourists from overseas. They were taking a lot of pictures of Sakura at Ueno Park. I felt a lot of power of Sakura.

Sakura Information on April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015: Cherry Trees in Ueno Park Even though cherry flowers have gradually been falling off the trees, there still are many viewers, especially tourists from overseas.   Days of Hanami banquet seems to be over this year; almost no party spaces were occupied now.    

Sakura Information on April 5, 2015

April 5, 2015: Cherry Trees in Ueno Park Cherry flowers are beautifully falling off the trees. There still are many spots we can enjoy Hanami. Even though it was raining, there were so many visitors enjoying the pretty, pink flowers.  

Grand Tea Ceremony Held in the Tent

For the weather is not very good, the Grand Tea Ceremony has been held in the tent, attracting many audiences on such a rainy day! There will be more audiences to Ueno Sakura Festa in the afternoon. We are looking forward to your visit!

The Last Day of “Ueno Sakura Festa 2015”!

Finally, today is the last day of “Ueno Sakura Festa 2015”! It has been raining unfortunately; however, many visitors are enjoying the festival! Of course, there are many fun events today too, including Kimono Fashion Show, traditional Japanese music live performance, and Grand Tea Ceremony. We are looking forward to seeing you! 【Events】 Kimono Fashion Show Time: 13:00-13:30、15:00-15:30 Grand Tea Ceremony Classical Tea Ceremony and Authentic Ceremonial Green Tea Time:10:30、11:45、13:00、14:00、15:00 Admission Fee:500yen/person Traditional Japanese Music Concert Performed by Wagakudan Kou (incl. Shamisen, Shakuhachi and many other traditional Japanese musical instruments) Time:11:00、12:15、13:30、14:30、15:30 Venue: STAGE area Cartoon Character Show Meet Ueno Park’s original character mascots “Ueno-kun” and “Ueno-Panda-kun”! Time: 11:30, 14:00, 16:15

Japanese Music Performance!

Live performance of traditional Japanese music started at 15:30, featuring Shamisen, Shakuhachi, and Koto. There were so many audiences including those who from oversea countries! They played some pop songs too! We were convinced that the traditional Japanese musical instruments are also good for playing popular music.

Japanese Tea Ceremony!

Grand Tea Ceremony has been held in “Nodate (outside tea ceremony)” area beside the stage. This event offers authentic green tea called “matcha” just made in front of your eyes and Japanese confectionery. Admission fee is 500 yen per person. Please enjoy Japan’s tradition! This event is offered at 10:30、11:45、13:00、14:00、15:00

Art Market of Tokyo University of the Arts

Art Market of Tokyo University of the Arts It offers art works created by graduates and current students of Tokyo University of the Arts. All the items are handmade and very unique ranging from accessories to wok-like frying pan!
