From July 20th (Sat), "Iba Reiko Exhibition" will be held at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
<Period: July 20th (Sat)-October 9th (Wed), 2019: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Gallery A, B, C>
Reiko Iba (1967-), fascinated by the artist's eyes and the world of motifs, has continued to express the scenery by drawing the texture and light that the motifs want to touch.
The style of making based on the photos taken by myself has not changed, but in recent years, the distance to the motif that has been approaching has gradually increased.
The interest in space and landscapes has increased, and the landscape around them has expanded, and the paintings of Iba have shown new developments. In this exhibition, we will present pictures as a new attempt, including paintings based on photographs taken at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
The private exhibition by Iniwa will be held for the first time in 10 years at the art museum since 2009, “Iba Reiko-The Place of the Day-” (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Modern Art). By introducing recent works and new works as well as displaying the works before that time, we will approach the core of the unchanging interest of Iba Reiko as it has changed over the past 10 years. Prior to the opening ceremony, in addition to the video works that we have made our first challenge, we will introduce exhibition works and various events during the exhibition period.
1, solo exhibition centered on new works
2, first challenge to video work!
A solo exhibition at an art museum that will be the first in three or ten years (the first solo show at an art museum in Tokyo!)
Details here https://www.tobikan.jp/yasukoiba/information.html
[Comment on the exhibition from Atsuko Iba]
I am very happy to receive a request for a new solo exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, just 10 years after the solo exhibition at the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Modern Art. On this occasion, I would like to try new things, and this time I am working on new works such as paintings, prints and videos.
The title says "Gaze", but we continue to produce while trying various "How to see". As I repeated the experiment, I could meet something beyond my imagination. By dismantling and reorganizing "seeing", you may come across new perspectives in everyday life. I hope you agree with that in this exhibition.
■ Main work introduction
【event information】
■ Interview Shimizu Shimizu × Iba Aiko
We invite the art critic, Akira Shimizu, who knows the works of Atsuko Iba from the beginning, and talk about the transition of production and the attractiveness of the works.
Date and time: July 20 (Sat) 14:00-15:00 (13:30)
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Auditorium (capacity: 225 people)
※ Free to listen. However, a main exhibition ticket (stubs accepted) is required.
※ We distribute rearranging ticket in front of lecture hall on the day from 13:00 and finish reception desk as soon as we become capacity.
■ Artist ・ Talk
At the exhibition hall, I will talk about the state of production and works from Atsuko Iba.
Date and time: 1 August 3 (Sat) 11: 00-11: 45
2 August 24 (Sat) 11: 00-11: 45
※ Free to listen. However, this exhibition ticket is required. Please gather at the exhibition hall.
■ Gallery Talk
The curator in charge of this exhibition will introduce the highlight of the exhibition.
Date: 1 July 26 (Fri) 19:00 to 19:30
2 August 16 (Fri) 19: 00-19: 30
※ Free to listen. However, this exhibition ticket is required. Please gather at the exhibition hall.
■ Kids + U18 Day
A closed day is open specially free of charge for elementary and junior high school students and parents who bring their infants.
Date and time: August 13 (Tuesday) 9: 30-16: 00 (up to 15:30 for room entry)
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Gallery A, B, C
Target: Children in high school third grade or less and their parents
※ Please enter the room accompanied by parents after the third grader.
※ You can not enter the room only for adults (over college students).
Participation fee: free
■ Dialogue Night "Aim for Good"
A participatory program that takes place Friday night to enjoy talking with the art communicator what you feel or think from the work.
Date: August 9 (Fri), August 23 (Fri), August 30 (Fri), September 6 (Fri), September 20 (Fri) Each time from 19:00 to 19:45
Capacity: About 20 arrivals each time
Participation fee: Free * However, a ticket for the day is required. Please gather at the exhibition hall.
■ Dance ・ well A program that works with the whole body
It is an art program through dance that spreads the mind with the body while watching the work. Anyone with a variety of physical inconveniences and their families, children and adults can attend, especially those who live with Parkinson's disease.
Date and time: July 30 (Tuesday) 10:30 to 12:00
2 August 6 (Tuesday) 10:30-12:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Gallery (main exhibition hall), foyer (planning hall lobby floor)
Lecturer: Namura Kurumi (dancer, choreographer, representative of the Dance Well Ishikawa Executive Committee)
Target: Anyone can participate
Capacity: Each first-come-first-served basis 20 people (advance application required, June 18 (Tuesday) acceptance start) Participation fee: Free of charge ※ However, this exhibition viewing ticket is necessary.
Application method: Apply from the exhibition special site. 【I reached the capacity】
● Overview of the exhibition
Exhibition Name: Atsuko Iba Exhibition
Organized by: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Period: July 20 (Sat)-October 9 (Wed), 2019 (total of 70 days)
Closed days: Monday, August 13 (Tuesday), September 17 (Tuesday), September 24 (Tuesday)
※ Open on August 12th (Mon, Holiday), September 16th (Mon, Holiday), September 23rd (Mon, Holiday)
Opening hours: 9:30 to 17:30, Fridays from 9:30 to 20:00 (all entering until 30 minutes before closing the room)
※ However, July 26 (Fri), August 2 (Fri), 9 (Fri), 16 (Fri), 23 (Fri), and 30 (Fri) from 9:30 to 21:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Gallery A, B, C
Reading fee: General 800 yen / group (more than 20 people) 600 yen / 65 years old or older 500 yen / university student / professional school student 400 yen
※ Free for high school students
※ "Family contact day" on July 20 (Saturday), 21 (Sun), August 17 (Saturday), 18 (Sun), September 21 (Sat), 22 (Sun) According to the parents who live with children under the age of 18 (resident in Tokyo, up to 2 people), half of the general rate on the day (please bring what you can prove)
※ Those who are over 65 are free of charge on August 21 (Wed), September 16 (Mon, Holiday) and 18 (Wed) due to “Silver Day”. Congestion is expected on the day. (Please bring something you can prove)
※ October 1 (Tuesday) is free for everyone by "Tomin's Day"
※ Persons with physical disability certificate, love notebook, nursing notebook, mental patient health welfare certificate, A-bomb survivors health certificate and those who accompany them (up to 1 person) are free (please bring something that can be proved)
※ Free for those who follow elementary school, junior high school and high school students in Tokyo and their instructors as school education activities (application required)
"Summer Night Museum Discount"
From 17:00 to 21:00 on July 26 (Fri), August 2 (Fri), 9 (Fri), 16 (Fri), 23 (Fri), and 30 (Fri) 600 yen, free for university students and vocational school students (please bring something that can be proved)
Official website: https://www.tobikan.jp/yasukoiba