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You can enjoy the difference in taste depending on the variety! Aomori apple pie is here! Matsuzakaya Ueno branch, seasonal gourmet

July 19th (Wednesday) to July 25th (Tuesday), 2023 Matsuzakaya Ueno Store B1F/1F Hoppe Town Event Space

At Hoppe Town, the food floor of the Matsuzakaya Ueno store, events are being held at popular shops every week. From 7/19 (Wednesday), <Agripark Tsugaru Juku> will offer “10 kinds of apple pies” where you can enjoy different tastes depending on the variety of apples, and <Setagaya Kameya> where you can enjoy cute beckoning cats in the middle. Invitation monaka” etc. will appear for a limited time. Introducing the 8 seasonal gourmet brands of the Matsuzakaya Ueno store.

<Agri Park Tsugaru Juku> 10 kinds of apple pies (1 each) 530-691 yen / 1st floor Japanese and Western confectionery event space
There are 10 kinds of apple pies, including Kogyoku's apple pie. You can enjoy the difference in taste depending on the variety of apples.

<Kaisen Koubou> Kin no Ikayaki (144g) 1,580 yen / 1st floor Japanese and Western confectionery event space
Gesono Sugatayaki is a specialty of Mikawa, Aichi Prefecture. You can enjoy the deep taste and aroma, and the crunchy texture.

<Setagaya Kameya> Invitation monaka (6 pieces) 594 yen / 1st floor Oedo Shinmachi event space
The cute maneki-neko (beckoning cat) associated with Gotokuji Temple is modeled exactly as it is. You can enjoy 3 different flavors: strained bean paste, white bean paste, and mashed bean paste.

<Sweetness Kamakura> Kamakura warabimochi with homemade black honey (5 pieces) 900 yen (10 pieces) 1,600 yen / 1st floor Oedo Shinmachi event space

*Until 8/29 (Tue)​
You can enjoy the chewy texture, melt-in-your-mouth and smooth throat.

<Kantaya> Tuna sushi (1 meal) 2,160 yen / B1F ​​Hoppe Town Event Hall

*Until 7/28 (Friday)
Maguro-zushi, which uses tuna grown in the blessings of nature, is attractive in both nigiri and rolls.

<Ilipse> Yokosuka Navy curry croquette (1 piece) 280 yen / B1 floor Hoppe Town event space

*Until 7/28 (Friday)
Handmade curry croquette made with a blend of 3 types of curry roux.

<Yutakaya> Yamagata specialty secret beans (400g) 1,188 yen / B1 floor Subway connection event space​
Soybeans from Yamagata prefecture "Hiden-mame".

<Okagura> Okaki variety 4 bags (90 g of black beans, 90 g of soft fried shrimp, etc.) 1,080 yen / 1st basement floor subway entrance event space
Kakimochi with a nostalgic taste that is traditionally made with a focus on the natural deliciousness of glutinous rice.

*All prices include tax.

[Hoppe Town Event Information] https://www.matsuzakaya.co.jp/ueno/topics/230102_11831.html
