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Introducing hamburgers from the gourmet specialty store, Brejus! Matsuzaka Ueno store latest gourmet food

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – Tuesday, September 26, 2023 Matsuzaka Ueno Store B1F/1F Hoppe Town Event Space

At Hoppe Town, the food floor of the Matsuzaka Ueno store, events are held at popular shops that change weekly. From September 20th (Wednesday), the gourmet specialty store “Brejus'' will be available for the first time. In addition, “Katsura no Ki Baumu'' from Okuizumo Mae Wataya, which has a unique texture made with Shimane rice flour and eggs, will be available for a limited time! Introducing 7 of the latest gourmet brands from Matsuzaka Ueno store.

<Breju> Hand-kneaded Okuizumo Wagyu beef hamburger with Poivre Vert sauce (1 set) 1,998 yen/B1F Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

A simple yet luxurious hamburger steak made with 100% Okuizumo Wagyu beef. A rich poivre beurre sauce made with fond de veau, green pepper, and fresh cream gives it a grown-up taste.

First store opening

<Oku-Izumo Mae Wataya> Katsura no Ki Baumu (1 piece) 2,200 yen/B1F Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

Baumkuchen has a unique texture made from rice flour produced in Shimane Prefecture and the rich aroma of fermented butter, and is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. The eggs used are “colorful Tenyu eggs''.

<Setagaya Kameya> Lucky Monaka (6 pieces) 594 yen / 1st floor Oedo Shinmachi event space

Monaka is shaped exactly like a cute beckoning cat associated with Gotokuji Temple. You can enjoy three types of flavors: koshian, white bean paste, and crushed bean paste.

<Zangi Specialty Store OBORO> Shiretoko Umami Salt (per 100g) 486 yen/B1F Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

Made with Hokkaido chicken grown in the northern land. Fried chicken is delicious even when it's cold.

<Itoshima Dango Honpo> Assorted Ohagi (1 piece) 270 yen/B1F subway entrance event space

Made with 100% Hiyoku Mochi from Saga Prefecture and finished with Itoshima natural water.

*Until 9/30 (Sat)

<Nakatsugawa Japanese Sweets Shop Matsuba> Chestnut Kinton (1 box/6 pieces) 1,911 yen/1st floor Japanese and Western confectionery event space

Chewy Chestnut Kinton is a famous autumn confectionery from Nakatsugawa that harmonizes the aroma of chestnuts with a light, chewy sweetness.

※In session

<Kyosagano Takejian> (Top) Kaki Daifuku (1 piece) 324 yen (Bottom) Kuri Daifuku (1 piece) 388 yen / 1st floor Japanese and Western confectionery event space

(Top) Kaki Daifuku is soft daifuku with persimmon-flavored white bean paste inside.

(Bottom) Chestnut Daifuku contains whole large domestic chestnuts and sweet red bean paste.

※In session

*All prices include tax.

[Hoppe Town event information] https://www.matsuzakaya.co.jp/ueno/topics/230102_11831.html
