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Cute panda choux from Hirota Confectionery, the first shop to open at Matsuzakaya Ueno Store – The latest gourmet food

June 12th (Wed) to June 18th (Tue), 2024 Matsuzakaya Ueno Store, 1st basement floor and 1st floor Hoppe Town event space

Hoppe Town, the food floor of Matsuzakaya Ueno, is holding events featuring popular shops on a weekly basis. Starting on Wednesday, June 12th, "Panda Choux" will be available for the first time from Hirota Confectionery, a Western confectionery shop popular for its cream puffs. Takasago Meat will also be offering its specialty grilled pork for a limited time! We introduce 6 of the hottest gourmet brands at Matsuzakaya Ueno.

  • Celebrate panda's birthday with cute panda sweets♪

<Hirota Western Confectionery> Panda Choux (1 piece) 378 yen / 1st floor Japanese and Western confectionery event space

The popular Western confectionery shop Hirota, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, has released their first Panda Choux! These cute Panda Choux are made with a chewy choux pastry stuffed with a blend of custard and whipped cream.

<Mikawa Ankido> Mitarashi dango (1 piece) 150 yen / 1st floor Japanese and Western sweets event space

Mitarashi dango is a familiar and delicious dish made from traditional rice dumplings pounded with a mallet and topped with a generous amount of sweet and spicy sauce.

<Benoit> Various scones (1 piece) from 292 yen / 1st floor Oedo Shinmachi event space

These scones are carefully baked using traditional techniques and go perfectly with tea. We also recommend clotted cream and jam.

<Takasago Meat> Takasago's Tokyo Yaki Pork (100g block) 663 yen / 1st basement floor Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

Winner of the gold award at the 2024 German DLG International Quality Competition, this handmade roast pork is made with a secret sauce that brings out the flavor of the meat and stays tender even when cooled.

<Daitokuji Saikiya> Conger eel, inari sushi, and rolled omelet set (1 meal) 1,080 yen / 1st basement floor Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

This bento box is filled with our famous rolled omelet and seasonal conger eel, allowing you to enjoy the soothing flavors of Kyoto.

<Hatsune Sushi> Clam Bento (1 meal) 864 yen / 1st basement floor Hoppe Town Exhibition Hall

This bento box is topped with plenty of soft, slow-cooked clams.

*All prices include tax.

[Hoppe Town event information] https://www.matsuzakaya.co.jp/ueno/topics/230102_11831.html
