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[Tokyo National Museum] exhibition “treasures of Kasuga-Taisha Shrine Millennium” sneak preview report

[Tokyo National Museum] exhibition “treasures of Kasuga-Taisha Shrine Millennium” sneak preview report

1/17/2017 (Tuesday) 3/12 (Sunday) up at the Tokyo National Museum special exhibition of treasures from the Kasuga Taisha Millennium will be held. 1/16 (Monday) on press preview was held, so inform the exhibition.   Kasuga shrine in Nara era beginning, hope for national prosperity and people’s happiness, founded by. Kasuga Taisha Shrine is also referred to as the “shoso-peace”. Even during the unrest hit the Grand forest sanctuary and calm your inner Kasuga Taisha Shrine, with sacred treasures with the emperor or Emperor, the master is the ultimate beauty has been holding its value. The best objects in the Nara era Shosoin, Kasuga Taisha Shrine remains the best crafts of
