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Ueno News

Sakura Information on March 27, 2015

Sakura Information on March 27, 2015

March 27, 2015: Cherry trees in Ueno Park. Many Yoshino cherry in the sunny areas are blooming, and there are more and more viewers coming to the park! Of course, there are tourists from overseas; it is so interesting to hear many different languages at one place. Weeping cherry located close to “Kaeru-no-funsui (frog fountain)” is now in full bloom! It is gorgeous and definitely worth seeing! The areas for Hanami party are available from today! There have already been some people setting up their party spaces!

Sakura Information on March 26, 2015

Branches have been showing more pink buds, with a few beautifully flowering. Please look at the picture of Yoshino cherry by the Shinobazu Pond. The branches gradually becoming pink tell us the arrival of spring.  

Sakura Information on March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015: Cherry trees in Ueno Park. As shown in the picture above, most cherry trees are not ready to bloom yet. Only Kanzakura (winter-flowering cherry) trees are showing its beautiful flowers. Expecting a number of people to come to Ueno Park for “Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) party,” big trash boxes for different types of wastes have already been set.    
