Football is a culture. Football is an art. “MATCH FLAG PROJECT” is two national flags on a piece of cloth so that players on both teams can meet on the pitch while thinking about the countries / regions that will face Japan It is a project that will bring the supporters' feelings to the match day to form. Football is a sport that most reflects the thinking and physicality of a country or region, and football is also a physical expression of local culture. "MATCH FLAG PROJECT" creates a place of contact with football in terms of culture and arts, and aims to create a more attractive football culture. Touch…
[National Museum of Western Art] 150th Anniversary of Japan-Austrian Friendship “Hapsburg Exhibition 600 Years of Empire Collection History” Press Release Report
The National Museum of Western Art, from 19th October 2019 (Sun) to 26th January 2020, commemorates the 150th anniversary of the friendship between Japan and Austria "Hapsburg Exhibition 600 Years of Empire Collection History" is held. The press conference for this exhibition was held, so we will deliver the situation this time. Purpose of holding The Habsburg family's collection boasts the world's largest quantities and rooms. After advancing to Austria at the end of the 13th century, the Habsburgs family built a large empire there. It is the first in Europe to have succeeded the Roman emperors since the 15th century and ruled the successor Austrian empire after the Napoleonic…
Rewa’s first “Museum 20, commemorating the day of the International Museum” Ueno Museum Week and Sita Machi Marche collaborate on “Museum Week Marche”
Ueno Museum Week * 1 and “Sitamachi Marche * 2” are collaborating as the highlights of the International Museum Day Commemorative Project 2019, which is currently being held, on the last day of the event and the previous day, May 18 The Museum Week Marche will be held from (Sat) to 19 (Sun). * 1 Joint Ueno Museum Week organization [2019 secretariat: National Western Art Museum], co-sponsored with Ueno Norenkai * 2 Sitamachi Marche is an event sponsored by Daimaru Matsusakaya Department Store Museum Week Marche will be held at Okachimachi Panda Plaza in front of JR Okachimachi Station South Exit. In addition to fresh vegetables and illusionary rice…
[Tokyo National Museum] Special Exhibition “Beautiful Beauty-A Distinctive Art of Japanese Art-Yukito, Nagatoku to Kotouka, Hokusai-“
Tokyo National Museum, from May 3rd (Fri) to 2nd (Sun), 2019 Special Exhibition "Beautiful Beauty-A Distinctive Art of Japanese Art-Sesshu, Nagatoku, Koetsu, Hokusai-" Is being held. A preview for the media was held, so this time we will tell you how. A "spinning project" that is being developed to spin the beauty of Japan, including royal items related to the Imperial Family, national treasures and important cultural properties, to a wide range of countries, and further to the future. At this exhibition, which will be held as a part of the exhibition, famous items such as Kano Nagatoku "Taraginshi Zukabutsu", a national treasure "Otoru Zukaru", and other famous works such…
New Era Memorial! Evolution of panel chicken! All-you-can-eat all-you-can-eat cheese “meal panel chicken” for 1480 yen in a loaf of bread ♪
New Era Memorial! Evolution of panel chicken! All-you-can-eat all-you-can-eat cheese "meal panel chicken" for 1480 yen in a loaf of bread ♪ In “Aiha Ueno Store” operated by D-R Co., Ltd. Evolution of panel chicken! We offer plenty of cheese "meal panel chicken" in the bread with all you can eat for 1480 yen. Evolution of the panel chicken! There is plenty of cheese in the bread, and it's a chicken with chicken wings and tap cheese. The panel chicken which eats chicken wings with a large platter of taro cheese that seems to be overflowing is also in the insta shine ♪ Under the bread is a spicy tomato…
新元号記念!!黒毛和牛を使用した50cmロングユッケ寿司付、肉寿司食べ放題を2480円でご提供♪トリュフ、雲丹、チーズを乗せた新ロングユッケ寿司はインスタ映え抜群♪ 株式会社ディー・アールが運営する『とろにく立川店/上野店/恵比寿店、ともり大宮店』では、新元号記念!!黒毛和牛を使用した50cmロングユッケ寿司付、肉寿司食べ放題を2480円でご提供致します。 黒毛和牛を使用したユッケにトリュフ・雲丹・チーズを乗せたインスタ映え間違えなしの ロングユッケ寿司に牛タン、ローストビーフ、美桜鶏、鴨の4種類のお寿司食べ放題も ついて2480円はコスパも◎! 見た目、ボリューム、味にこだわった肉専門店の絶品肉ロングユッケ寿司をお楽しみくださいませ。 是非この機会にご利用くださいませ♪ さらにお客様の前で炙ることでトリュフの香りと雲丹の風味、チーズの濃厚な旨みがUP! イベント詳細 『新元号記念!!黒毛和牛を使用した50cmロングユッケ寿司付、肉寿司食べ放題を2480円』 ■期間:2019年4月29日~ ■料金:2480円 ■店舗:『とろにく 立川店/恵比寿店/上野店』『ともり 大宮店』 *食べ放題内容(90分/30分前ラストオーダー) ・ローストビーフ寿司 ・牛タンの炙り寿司 ・鶏寿司 ・合鴨ロース寿司 *単品でのオーダーは1980円でございます。 【店舗詳細】 肉匠 とろにく 恵比寿店 ■住所: 〒150-0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-9-4 入船ビル8F ■電話番号:03-5784-3340 ■アクセス:JR 恵比寿駅 西口 徒歩1分 地下鉄日比谷線 恵比寿駅 徒歩1分 ■HP: 【店舗詳細】 肉盛酒場 とろにく 立川店 ■住所: 東京都立川市曙町2-11-7 立川リージェント4F ■電話番号:042-548-5088 ■アクセス:JR 立川駅 北口 徒歩2分 ■HP: 肉盛酒場 とろにく 上野店 ■住所: 東京都台東区上野6-14-7 ベリタス岡埜栄泉ビル5F ■電話番号:03-5812-5686 ■アクセス:JR 上野駅 広小路口 徒歩1分 地下鉄 上野駅 5b出口 徒歩1分 京成本線 京成上野駅 徒歩2分 ■HP:ttps:// ■ともり 大宮店 ■住所:埼玉県さいたま市大宮区仲町1-1-1 大宮タウンビル5F ■電話番号:048-658-5333 ■アクセス:大宮駅徒歩3分 ■営業時間:17:00~24:00 ■参照サイト:
Special Exhibition “National Treasure Toji Temple-Kukai and Buddha Statue Mandala” From today “National Treasure Two Worlds Mandala Map” Kongokai and Gemini world Soboro limited exhibition!
Exhibition period at the Tokyo National Museum Heisei Building April 23 (Tuesday)-May 6 (Mon.) The most popular special exhibition "National Treasure Toji Temple-Kukai and Buddha Statue Manra" that surpassed 100,000 visitors on April 16th (Tuesday) is the oldest existing colored two-mandala that has existed since April 23rd (Tue) today The “National Treasures of the World Kingdom (Saiin's 曼 荼 [曼 荼 [伝 [真 [[[[真 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 曼 荼 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[. It is characterized by a strong Indian style in the depiction of the face and body, strong recollections (Kumadori), and so on, and…
[Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum] “Klimt Exhibition Vienna and Japan 1900” Press Briefing Report
Gustav Klimt "Judit I" 1901 From April 23 (Tuesday) to July 10 (Wednesday), 2019, "Klimt Exhibition Vienna and Japan 1900" will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. Prior to the opening, the press preview was held on April 22 and we will tell about the situation. Gorgeous decorativeness using many gilts. End-of-the-century sensuality that also senses death, eros, and the chain of life. At the end of the 19th century Vienna, the lovely female statues and landscapes created by painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) are still overwhelmingly popular. This exhibition, which is held to commemorate 100 years after his death, from the early naturalistic works to the style of…
“Star Wars Identity: The Exhibition” Japan exhibition will be held! Ryo Ichikawa who took office as an ambassador also appeared!
Japan Exhibition Ambassador Rin Ichikawa The “Star Wars” series that has fascinated the world for about 40 years. The release of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (original title)," the final story of the Skywalker family's story, is scheduled for December 20 (Fri) this year, affecting more generations. It is expected to give. "STAR WARS Identities" is an exhibition where you can rediscover Star Wars characters in a new way. A large exhibition that started in Montreal, Canada in 2012 and has attracted more than 2 million people in 12 cities in 7 countries so far, but from August 8, 2019 (Thursday) January 13, 2020 (Monday)・ It will be held…
【National Science Museum】 Dinosaur Hall 2019 The Dinosaur Expo 2019 7 / 13-10 / 14
The dinosaurs that no one has seen yet are coming! ! The biggest discovery in Japanese dinosaur research history Unprecedented perfection about 80% of the whole body remains! World's first release of whole body skeletal fossils with a total length of more than 8 m found in Hokkaido * ※ Displaying the whole body skeleton at the exhibition is the world's first Exhibition name Dinosaur 2019 The Dinosaur Expo 2019 Session Saturday, July 13, 2019-October 14 (Mon.) Venue National Science Museum (Tokyo, Ueno Park) ※ There is no circuit exhibition Ueno Park 7-20, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718 access A 5-minute walk from JR "Ueno Station" (Koenguchi) 10 minutes on foot from…